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Local Residential Roofing Service Leader in Asheville, NC

Since 1949, homeowners throughout Asheville, NC including Buncombe and surrounding counties, have trusted the professionals at McElrath Roofing for residential roofing services. Expertly trained roofing professionals use high-quality roofing products to protect your home from the damaging effects of water and moisture. North Carolina receives about 48 inches of rain every year, which equals hundreds of thousands of gallons of rainwater hitting your roof. If your roof is old or damaged, it won’t be able to keep up and will eventually begin to leak. Our team offers residential roof repair and replacement services for homeowners throughout the area. Contact us today to schedule your roofing consultation.

row of residential homes

What Are the Benefits of Installing a New Residential Roof

Aside from offering superior protection for your home, there are a variety of additional benefits to installing a new roof. At McElrath Roofing , we choose Certainteed or GAF shingles for all our new residential roof installations. We can ensure your new roof looks fantastic while protecting you and your family from North Carolina’s extreme weather with high-quality products and exceptional services. Our team takes pride in our work, and we’ll ensure your installation is completed within the project deadline. Learn more about the benefits of installing a new residential roof.

Home Value

Installing a new roof is one of the best returns on investment you'll receive for any home improvement project. A new roof is a must if you plan to sell within the next five to seven years.

Energy Efficiency

Your roof acts as an insulator for your home. We use LEED-certified products to ensure your home is energy-efficient.

Enhanced Curb Appeal

Asphalt shingles come in a wide variety of colors and styles to match your home's aesthetic. Replacing your damaged or old roof will greatly increase your home's curb appeal.

Better Overall Health

A properly installed roof will enhance airflow while reducing exposure to mold, mildew, and other indoor pollutants.

Roof Repair and Replacement Experts

Whether you need to replace or repair your existing roof, we’re the local leader you can trust for a high-quality experience. We’ll come to your home and provide a thorough inspection of your roof. Our roofing contractor will recommend whether a repair or replacement is necessary. Because your home’s roof is one entire system that works together to protect your home, even a single missing shingle can have a devastating effect on your home. If you notice any the signs of a leaky roof, including water stains or shingle granules in your gutters, contact us for an at-home inspection.

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Schedule Your Roof Repair or Replacement Estimate