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Protect Your Property With Our Roof Repair Services

Since 1949, McElrath Roofing has been providing roof repair services for home and business owners throughout Asheville, NC including Buncombe and surrounding counties. By offering high-quality products from Duro-Last and Certainteed shingles installed by trained roofing professionals, we can help keep your property safe. Depending on the type of roof, where you live, and the products used for your roof installation, your roof may be in despair before it starts to deteriorate. Keeping up with repairs will help reduce the chance of damage to your home. If you need roof repair service, contact our team to get started.

man placing shingles on roof

What Are Signs That My Roof Needs to Be Repaired?

Understanding the signs that your residential or commercial roof needs to be repaired can help prevent sudden, costly damages to your property. If you notice any of these signs in your home or office, you should contact our professional roofers immediately. Our contractors can thoroughly assess your roof’s condition, identify the location of the leak, and repair it. Learn more about the warning signs you need a roof repair service.

Attic Leak

Missing shingles and damaged flashing can lead to leaks in your attic caused by heavy rainstorms and ice dams. If accessible, look in your attic after a storm for signs of water.

Peeling Paint

When moisture is trapped behind your home's interior or exterior wall, it can cause the paint to bubble or blister. Make sure your home's vents are clear of debris to allow proper ventilation.

Ceiling or Wall Stains

One of the most common signs of roof damage is water stains on your ceiling or walls. Regardless if it's wet to the touch or completely dry, it's a sign that water was present in your home at one point.

Exterior Decay

If you notice rot along with your home's sheathing or siding, it's normally due to poor ventilation. Ensuring your soffits are clear from any attic insulation may help prevent the issue.

Cracked or Curled Shingles

Unfortunately, roofs do have a finite life. Shingles that break easily mean that your shingles no longer protect your home, and your roof should be replaced.

Missing Shingles

Your roof acts as one singular system. A single missing shingle can leave your entire roof vulnerable to leaks. Replacing missing shingles immediately can save you a lot of money and headaches.

Dark or Dirty Areas

Dark or dirty areas of your roof normally indicate plant life that has absorbed the moisture. Moss, lichens, and algae can grow on your roof. Moss roots can even grow between shingles, causing them to lift.

Higher Energy Costs

Choose Us for Roof Repair Services

Whether you’re a home or business owner, you can always count on the professionals at McElrath Roofing for roof repair services. We’ve been in business since 1949, and our roofing contractors have decades of experience, so you can trust us to provide an accurate and thorough inspection of your home’s roof. No matter the size or scope of the repair, our team has the materials and tools to complete the job on time. Extend the life of your roof with roof repair services.

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